This project is designed to support courses on digital systems design using VHDL & FPGAs providing access to a remote lab facility hosted at the premises of the Digital Systems and Media Computing laboratory of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) in Patras, Greece. The lab has been setup under the sponsorship of an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society grant, while ALTERA donated the development boards.

Students can register online ( and and then connect to one of the installed systems. Code written and compiled locally using the VHDL design suite provided by ALTERA can be uploaded through the web interface supporting interaction with the lab infrastructure and results of running the code in the real systems are visualized by means of a web camera. Students are able to experiment with existing hardware and design their own digital systems using the ALTERA DE0-nano board, several, sensors, servo motors, displays and LEDs. The systems are up and running 24/7.

Below you can find some useful resources related to the operation of the lab.

A lab manual is currently available only in Greek, from the following link

Example VHDL code and ALTERA Quartus II (v. 13.1) projects

Example project controlling the DE0 nano LEDs

Example project demonstrating simple FSM detecting external signal transitions

Example project demonstrating servo motor turn by 90ο

Example VHDL code of a serial interface communication

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