Welcome to our open remote Arduino labs at HOU
This project is designed to provide a web platform for conducting a series of remote micro-controller laboratory exercises, based on the Arduino platform. The system is remotely programmed, and the results are visualised in real-time, by means of a web-cam.
It has been developed at the Hellenic Open University (HOU), as part of the final year thesis of Mr Anastasios Spiliopoulos, undergraduate student of Computer Science, under the supervision of Dr Vassilis Fotopoulos. The newest addition to the team is Anastasios Fanariotis, also un undergraduate student of our department.
The systems are openly available, supported by the Digital Systems and Media Computing (DSMC) laboratory of the HOU, after the initial initiative of Prof. Athanassios Skodras, and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
First time users need to register for a new account. Login is required in order to book the preferred time slot. After that one can enter the Lab and start experimenting with the system. We will be glad to receive your comments about the system.
Requirements: Internet browser with Javascript, Java, Flash and Cookies
Suggested browser: Firefox ESR v52.0+
Please note that you must add the systems you will use, to the Java security control panel exceptions.
A lab manual is currently available only in Greek, from the following link
For lab exercises 1-7, please connect to pc1.dsmc.eap.gr, pc2.dsmc.eap.gr, pc3.dsmc.eap.gr or pc5.dsmc.eap.gr. Labs 8-11, are not curently offered due to systems maintenance. Here is the list of the experiments:
Lab 1: Flashing a led
Lab 2: Flashing an RGB led
Lab 3: Controlling a text LCD screen
Lab 4: Controlling a servo motor
Lab 5: The LDR sensor
Lab 6: The LM35 temperature sensor
Lab 7: Working with 7 segment displays
Lab 8: Working with TFT displays
Lab 9: An I2C port expander
Lab 10: Ethernet applications
Lab 11: GSM applications